The exhibition features Polish photographers: Antoni Zdebiak, active in the 80s, and contemporary artist Magda Hueckel. Both use personal histories as an inspiration and their own body as a tool of expression. The project focuses on performative photography as a way of self-exploration and is organized by Archeology of Photography Foundation within Polish Paradise Project (visit also the Polish Paradise container in the Festival Centre).


OPENING:Wednesday 06.06. 2018 | 4 Pm.

CURATORS TOURS AND AUTORS TALK:Saturday  09.06.2018 | 1.30 Pm.

Circle Culture

Bismarckstrasse 98, Hamburg


07.06. – 15.06.2018

7.–08.06.2018 | 14–19 pm,

09.–10.06.2018 | 12–18 pm,

11.–15.06.2018 | 16–19 pm


Project created with the support of Archeology of Photography Foundation in cooperation with Circle Culture within the ‘Live Archives’ project.