PLAGUE CHRONICLES (pl. KRONIKI ZARAZY) (Poland 2020, 9 episodes, 6-13 min each eps.)
“Plague Chronicles" is a 9-episode online series, portraying a family of four in a situation of home isolation caused by the global coronavirus pandemic. The short, humorous episodes document the various stages of the lockdown and go through accompanying feelings – the experience that has happened to all of us in recent months. Its collage formula, containing a living actor, puppets and animation, combines elements of horror and grotesque. Through the main character, Malena, we recreate the complicated process of coping with the new situation. Thanks to it we tame our fears. "Plague Chronicles" are hoped to become an inspiration to reflect on our own attitude and actions, and to search for joy of life and humor.
All 9 episodes are now available online on:
- YouTube channel:
- FB page: Kroniki zarazy - serial internetowy
- Official website:
Directed by Tomasz Śliwiński
Written by Tomasz Śliwiński & Magda Hueckel (based on “Diaries in the time of plague” by Magda Hueckel)
Cinematography, editing: Tomasz Śliwiński
Visual concept, production design, costumes: Magda Hueckel
Animation: Natalia Bucior
Puppet animation: Tomasz Maśląkowski
Stop-motion animation: Magda Hueckel
Music: Stefan Wesołowski
Cast: Lena Frankiewicz
Sound: Maciej Adamczyk
Color correction: Mateusz Zieliński, Magda Hueckel
Produced by LALE.Teatr
Co-produced by Hueckel Studio
Subsidised by the National Centre for Culture under the programme "Kultura w sieci".
Poster by Magda Hueckel